Contamination and Land
Development Consultants

Are you planning a STORAGE TANK system removal or upgrade? Is HISTORIC CONTAMINATION or an OPEN INCIDENT NUMBER creating an unfavorable situation? Are you buying and DEVELOPING or REDEVELOPING a property? Each of these scenarios brings along with them specific challenges.

Let us leverage our knowledge, expertise, and network of subject matter experts to help you reach your ENVIRONMENTAL or LAND DEVELOPMENT GOALS.


Are you planning a STORAGE TANK system upgrade? Are you looking for a turnkey experience that will protect you in the short- and long-term? One that will provide you with the data you need to REFINANCE or SELL YOUR PROPERTY?

Contamination is typically found during system upgrades or removals. Do you know what documentation you will need to submit an insurance claim to your insurer or to the UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK INDEMNIFICATION FUND (USTIF)? Do you know who to call? Do you have all your paperwork together for USTIF? Are you looking for Storage Tank Removal assistance?


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Has CONTAMINATION been reported on your property? Do you know who owns the LIABILITY of that CONTAMINATION? Do you know if the CONTAMINATION is opening your company up to a lawsuit? Can you afford to be sued by your neighbors? Do you understand how the contamination can affect your short- and long-term corporate goals?

Are those past spills, leaks, or releases putting you and your company at RISK? Are you willing to bet your company on it?




Do you have a vision to DEVELOP or REDEVELOP a property? Are you excited about getting started creating your vision? Are you worried about the unknowns? Are you sure your vision and tentative plans are a match for this property? Each property is unique. Are your designs accounting for that uniqueness? Do you have enough antacids stockpiled to get you through this project?

Would you like to know more about your property before buying it? Would you like to take some of the uncertainty out of the project? Would you like to reduce the number of antacids you need to consume?


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Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is to support our TEAM MEMBERS (internal and external clients, customers, partners, and vendors), while they try to reach their short- and long-term goals. We leverage our knowledge, skill sets, and network of subject matter experts to help alleviate undue stress. Allowing our TEAM MEMBERS focus on achieving their short- and long-term goals.